About Me
Keeping My House Cleaner

After experiencing a wretched spider infestation, my pest control professional told me something that I would never forget. In the nicest possible way, she told me that my house was too messy to keep bugs out in the first place. She explained that when people leave food around, it attracts small pests like ants and cockroaches, which then attract larger predators like spiders and mice. I decided to clean up my place so that I wouldn't have to worry about creepy crawlies calling my place home. On my blog, you will learn more about pest control and the importance of house cleaning, so that you don't make the same mistake I did.


Mouse Control Tips To Prevent An Infestation

9 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Mice can quickly infest your home and become a major problem for you if you aren't careful. These pests will feast on whatever you leave behind for them to take, and they don't care if it's in a package in your pantry, or if it's crumbs on your floor. Mice will eat whatever they can get their grubby paws on and will multiply very quickly if they are finding what they need. Read More …

Why You Might Prefer An Orange Oil Termite Treatment Instead Of Tenting

17 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you have drywood termites in your home, there are two ways your pest control company may recommend getting rid of them. One is tenting with fumigation, and the other is orange oil. Orange oil kills termites instantly and has a residual effect for a short time after it's applied. Tenting also kills termites instantly, but it doesn't have any residual effect at all. Both are options for eliminating a termite problem. Read More …

Your Burning Questions About Cockroaches Answered

21 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you live in a bustling urban area or out in a rural community, the probability that you will face a cockroach problem at some point is relatively high. These bugs are easily one of the most prevalent household pests from coast to coast. As prevalent as cockroaches may be, there are still a lot of myths and falsehoods about them. This can often lead to a lot of questions if you develop an unfortunate cockroach problem and you have to talk to a residential pest control company for help. Read More …