Bat Removal – Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Home Safe

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Keeping My House Cleaner

After experiencing a wretched spider infestation, my pest control professional told me something that I would never forget. In the nicest possible way, she told me that my house was too messy to keep bugs out in the first place. She explained that when people leave food around, it attracts small pests like ants and cockroaches, which then attract larger predators like spiders and mice. I decided to clean up my place so that I wouldn't have to worry about creepy crawlies calling my place home. On my blog, you will learn more about pest control and the importance of house cleaning, so that you don't make the same mistake I did.


Bat Removal – Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Home Safe

16 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Bats are an essential part of our ecosystem as they help in pollination and controlling insect populations. However, when they invade our homes, they can become a nuisance. Not only do they cause noise and odors, but they can also carry diseases, putting our health at risk. Removing bats from your home may seem like a daunting task, but with professional help, you can do it effectively and safely.

Identify the Signs of a Bat Infestation

Bats are nocturnal creatures and can be challenging to spot during the day. However, there are signs that can help you determine if you have an infestation. Look for guano (bat droppings) on your porch, windowsills, or other areas of your home. Bat urine has a strong ammonia-like odor, which can help you locate their roost. You may also hear scratching sounds from walls and attics, which means they are actively living and breeding in your home.

Call a Professional for Infestations

While there are some DIY methods that you can try to get rid of bats, such as using repellents or installing bat houses, these methods are not always effective, especially if the infestation is severe. In such cases, it is best to call in a professional wildlife removal company. These companies have the expertise and equipment necessary to remove bats from your home safely and effectively.

Professional wildlife removal companies use advanced methods such as fogging, trapping, and relocation to ensure that all bats are removed from your home safely. Fogging involves using a special chemical that makes bats disoriented, so they leave your home and don't return. Trapping is another method that involves setting up traps in strategic locations so bats get caught and can be removed from your home. Once they are caught, wildlife removal professionals will relocate them to a more suitable location, far away from your home.

Seal Potential Entry Points

Once you have removed the bats from your home, it is essential to seal any potential entry points to prevent them from returning. Bats can squeeze through small gaps and cracks, so carefully inspect your home for any openings. Use caulking, mesh screens, or weather stripping to seal gaps in windows, doors, and rooflines. In addition, keep trees and bushes trimmed away from your home to prevent bats from accessing your attic.

Take Precautions When Cleaning Up

Bats and their droppings can carry diseases such as histoplasmosis and rabies, which can be harmful to humans. It is crucial to take precautions when cleaning up after a bat infestation. Wear protective clothing such as gloves and goggles, and spray the affected areas with a mixture of bleach and water before cleaning. Avoid stirring up dust or debris, as it can release airborne particles. If you are not comfortable cleaning up, it is best to hire a professional.

Bats are a crucial part of our ecosystem, but they can become a nuisance when they invade our homes. To remove bats safely and humanely, it is essential to identify the signs of an infestation, remove them humanely, seal potential entry points, take precautions when cleaning up, and call in a professional for severe infestations. By following these tips, you can keep your home safe and ensure that bats can continue to thrive in the wild. Learn more about bat removal by contacting a pest control service near you.