Anthills Throughout Your Yard Ruining Your Landscaping? What You Can Do

About Me
Keeping My House Cleaner

After experiencing a wretched spider infestation, my pest control professional told me something that I would never forget. In the nicest possible way, she told me that my house was too messy to keep bugs out in the first place. She explained that when people leave food around, it attracts small pests like ants and cockroaches, which then attract larger predators like spiders and mice. I decided to clean up my place so that I wouldn't have to worry about creepy crawlies calling my place home. On my blog, you will learn more about pest control and the importance of house cleaning, so that you don't make the same mistake I did.


Anthills Throughout Your Yard Ruining Your Landscaping? What You Can Do

22 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

There's nothing worse than looking over your beautiful green lawn and seeing ant hills all throughout your lawn. These ant hills are not just annoying, they can ruin your lawn and put a hitch in the beauty of your landscaping. If you have ant hills throughout your lawn, there are things you can do. Read on for a few helpful tips to clear your yard of these pests.

Spread Granular Pesticide

Use a granular pesticide to get rid of unwanted ants in your lawn. You can sprinkle the lawn with the granules of the pesticide and follow the manufacturer's instructions on how much to use and what else needs to be done to activate the granules. Usually, you have to add water or sprinkle your lawn when it's dewy outside to activate it. If you have ants on your lawn, a pesticide is often the best way to control them.

Use Spray Pesticide

You can also use a spray form of pesticide to kill the ants. Simply follow the manufacturer's instructions on the spray, which can be used on just the ants themselves or used to treat your entire lawn. Spray the lawn and repeat as needed. The spray can help prevent pests from returning and can kill the ants that you see; however, it may not kill the ants that are located in their tunnels.


You may have a lot of ants because you have a lot of weeds and a dry lawn. If you have a dry lawn, the ants may be drawn in to stay dry and build their nests in your yard. If your lawn is well-fertilized, it may help to keep these pests from getting in your yard to begin with. Keep your lawn fertilized and filled in to prevent ants.

Hire A Pro

Hire a professional pest control company to get rid of the ants in your lawn for you. A pest control specialist will be able to get rid of the ants in your lawn and keep them away. They can treat your lawn without harming your grass. The professional can treat your house as well if these pests happen to make their way to your home.

Anthills in your lawn can be annoying and they can be unsightly as well. Hire a pest control company to treat your lawn and treat your home if necessary. Ants can very quickly take over your entire yard and their nests can grow quite large, ruining your grass. Hire a professional to help you get rid of them.