Keeping Your Home Mouse-Free

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Keeping My House Cleaner

After experiencing a wretched spider infestation, my pest control professional told me something that I would never forget. In the nicest possible way, she told me that my house was too messy to keep bugs out in the first place. She explained that when people leave food around, it attracts small pests like ants and cockroaches, which then attract larger predators like spiders and mice. I decided to clean up my place so that I wouldn't have to worry about creepy crawlies calling my place home. On my blog, you will learn more about pest control and the importance of house cleaning, so that you don't make the same mistake I did.


Keeping Your Home Mouse-Free

2 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a home, and you have noticed signs that rodents are present within the confines of your structure, you likely want to eliminate them in totality. There are several ways to keep mice from becoming nuisances. Try these tips to ensure your home remains mouse-free.

Take Time To Reduce Attractions

Mice tend to stay in areas where they have an accessible source of food and water. If they do not have a way to eat or drink, they will move on to other areas in search of sustainment. Conduct a full assessment of your home for potential sources of food and water for pests. This includes routine cleaning of the interior of your home to remove food crumbs, making sure leftovers are stored in places mice cannot access, and making repairs to plumbing problems so water does not drip into areas mice are known to frequent. In addition, check your property for nesting areas. Move firewood to a location far from your home. Cover birdbaths or pools when they are not in use. Take up pet food dishes when feeding time comes to an end.

Have Your Home Evaluated By A Professional

Hire pest control services to conduct an assessment of your home and the outside property. They know the areas that mice tend to use for homes and will use proper pest control agents to eliminate them. If you are concerned about pesticides, inquire about the use of "green" products. It is best to have your home checked on a yearly basis as mice can move in at any time during the year. Continual checks ensure a rodent problem is addressed quickly and effectively.

Use Deterrents To Keep Mice Away 

Mice will not stay in an area where they feel threatened. Keeping a cat on your property will help to keep mice numbers lower. Place several bird decoys on your property to scare mice away so they do not get inside of your home. Be sure to move these decoys periodically so mice do not become used to their locations.

Check The Exterior For Areas In Need Of Repair

If you have spots along the exterior of your home that allow for mice to make their way inside, they need to be repaired to reduce the likelihood of this scenario. Fix any pieces of siding that have pulled away from your home's walls. Fill in holes with pieces of wool or cover them with flashing. Remove gaps around doors and windows using weather-stripping or door sweeps. Remove and replace shingles that have become worn, as well.